Yesterday was great: at last We had sun and the perfect May weather, here in Bologna.
So, beloved roses, this is your month: bloom and colour the streets.

I took a long walk, from home to the the top of San Luca's hill. There is a long Arcade from the bottom until the top of the hill, thant links the Meloncello Arc to the Basilica.

Lots of people were walking, running, taking pictures, as I did (walking, running, taking pictures). From the pathway you can have a nice view over part of Bologna historical centre and the flat Po valley.

And You can see the Bolognesi Hills at their best.

From the Basilica the landcape was stunning! he highest Appennino Mountains were still white. Lokking at the Po valley You could easy see the Alps Mountains.

It is so strange that just around the corner We have a Heaven like this: only ten minutes from the town...

Hope Everybody could enjoy this environment...even my little nephew that today is One month old! Happy month sweet and lovely Letizia. Your adoring Uncle will bring You here as soon as possible.
5 commenti:
You live in such a pretty part of the world, Massi. Lovely for you to share these gorgeous pics. Bologna is now on my radar for a must-visit location. Thank you!
I Thank You Will.
And with Ryan Air is so cheap visiting Bologna...
what a lucky man you are to live in such a breathtaking place...such beauty.
gorgeous pics massi.. Thanks for sharing. Lovely.
Massi, the photos of the views are spectacular. It is the little things that make life worth living. Glad you choose to stop and enjoy them.
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